Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Health interviews from MING PAO


梁憲孫醫生:鲻足8句鐘 工作更醒神

經常焦慮與緊張,是天生如此,還是後天造成?先天因素沒法改變,但後天的可以補救。做事有方法,立即進入狀態,不讓自己「熱身」太久,時間運用得好,工作 起來自能不失方寸。更重要的是不讓工作侵蝕睡眠時間,故能時刻保持飽滿精神。香港醫學專科學院主席梁憲孫就是這樣的一個人。



毋須熱身 一坐下即專注



年逾古稀可遨遊世界享受人生,已教人羨慕不已,今年77歲的「腎科教父」余宇康,不但經常出門,到海外拍攝他喜歡的梅花與桃花,更n次到保時捷總部試車, 茘至時速200公里亦屬等閒。動靜皆能隨心所欲的晚年生活,必不可少的是健康的身體,余宇康笑說﹕「秘訣是運動,最緊要運動。」雖然這點他大約十年前即 60多歲時才體會到,但堅持了十年的運動習慣,仍是帶給他不少好處。





余 宇康鍾情攝影,最愛拍攝花和風景:「大自然真的很美,令人好舒服。第一、空氣又好;第二、人又得以放鬆,專心研究花,看覑花,什麼都不用理會。」為了捕捉 最佳角度,可以站覑整整一個小時,正好鍛煉耐性,「人不會暴躁,對心肺健康幫助很大,尤其心臟,心靜了,脈搏血壓都會好調和,好正常。」

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Impact of junk food on Children's brain development and health in general

A healthy eating habit and discipline will affect the child whole life. Hopefully Andrew can eat by himself as earlier as possible. Many children need to feed spoon by spoon until they go to primary school.


To eat smartly and carefuly for recovery from delivery

Sunday, January 9, 2011



In the super intensive course during 29-31 Dec, the last three days of 2010, I took it with me to strengthen my energy and stamina. I was in a minor flu the first day of the course. Although each day the course ended after 12PM, I took it in quite higher dosage this time as a medicine and my flu was just over the next day. I was so thankful to 7+, which helped me again to conquer my health issue and to complete one of the best courses in my life.

在2011年到来的最后三天,我终于完成了我的另一个人生课- 财富与你- MONEY and You (http://www.excellerated.com/)


加重 ,故带上了我心爱的高抗氧化剂7+。




Wednesday, December 15, 2010

COOKING OIL 反式脂肪和丙烯酰胺

Dear Parents,

Last night I attended a seminar about protection of our heart and prevention of stroke and heart attack.

The doctor emphasized the hazard on re-using cooking oil. This is your usual practice in cooking esp. after frying peanut. Please change this habit immediately. Re-used oil contains high trans fatty acid and also containing acrylamide ( read today's news in the link), which can heavily pollute our blood and cells, disturb the immunity system and thus changing our DNA and causing cancer.

Essentially, if we don't have to eat heavily oil-fried food or any food under high temperature, just don't eat. Steam, boiling, quickly fry with less oil are strongly recommended. Barbecue, OILY frying like the peanut you like very mush, roasting under high temperature are all not very good.

I am studying transfer Factor theory. It is not new but already known in western countries for last ten years. It works as a guard to the immune system with three major factions:

recognise --- response--- remember ---balance.-- anti-oxidisation

Today I took only once of the capsule and found I am not feeling cold (the coldest day only 8 degree), no sneeze and my nasal system is much comfortable, I can breath without any blocking. I haven't had such feeling for a long time.I think it should be a very good alternative to my immune system. If my allergy is under controlled, it should be good for father and many people. And BB's skin problem is also an immune problem - lost the balance because of a lack of sleep and serious lack of physical exercises.


Take care.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to train our Brain - By Brainpower Training Centre HK

What How to maximise our brain power scientifically and healthily?

What does our brain like and dislike and how to improve its potential?

Understating before memorise and using network and linking method
Left and right brains working together by their own features to get the full solid memory

Going mad and being curous to everything and thinking out of the box

Treat it well and train it well, it will make your smart

Be positive, open-minded and level-headed