Wednesday, December 15, 2010

COOKING OIL 反式脂肪和丙烯酰胺

Dear Parents,

Last night I attended a seminar about protection of our heart and prevention of stroke and heart attack.

The doctor emphasized the hazard on re-using cooking oil. This is your usual practice in cooking esp. after frying peanut. Please change this habit immediately. Re-used oil contains high trans fatty acid and also containing acrylamide ( read today's news in the link), which can heavily pollute our blood and cells, disturb the immunity system and thus changing our DNA and causing cancer.

Essentially, if we don't have to eat heavily oil-fried food or any food under high temperature, just don't eat. Steam, boiling, quickly fry with less oil are strongly recommended. Barbecue, OILY frying like the peanut you like very mush, roasting under high temperature are all not very good.

I am studying transfer Factor theory. It is not new but already known in western countries for last ten years. It works as a guard to the immune system with three major factions:

recognise --- response--- remember ---balance.-- anti-oxidisation

Today I took only once of the capsule and found I am not feeling cold (the coldest day only 8 degree), no sneeze and my nasal system is much comfortable, I can breath without any blocking. I haven't had such feeling for a long time.I think it should be a very good alternative to my immune system. If my allergy is under controlled, it should be good for father and many people. And BB's skin problem is also an immune problem - lost the balance because of a lack of sleep and serious lack of physical exercises.

Take care.


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