Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why do we need to take anti-oxidant supplementary food?

We are living on a planet which has been severely polluted – from water, air to the land, which we all rely on for life.

Our drinking water contains chemicals like chorine and fluoride, air is filled with oxidized chemicals and food is grown in overused soil with overused artificial fertilizers.

What is the impact of the pollutants on our health and life?

More people die from asthma, diabetes and cancer, stroke … every minute in the world. 156 Americas per hour are diagnosed with cancer (America Cancer Society)

Quite a lot of the nutrients are missing from the soil and thus from our produce. One example is the fact that the minerals selenium and zinc have been found to be seriously deficient in US population.

What is another impact of non-organic farming methods on our food and bodies?

More than 50% of nutrients are lost from crop soil and thus are the deficient in dozens of nutrients humans need to thrive just because of using nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium to force growth. Most pesticides used in farming are known to cause cancer!

Eating habits have been changed over the past century. Traditional home made food with a whole food diet has gradually been replaced by processed food or convenience food with high sugar, salt and oil. They contain little natural nutrients but pollutants lie in the artificial additives.

Apart from pollution, scientists have proved that stress and life pressures are the main cause of major diseases.

The American Institute for Cancer Research reported that in countries where people eat more than 1 pound of fruits and vegetables a day, the incidence of cancer is reduced by up to 50%. Meanwhile, dozens of epidemiological studies shows that eating a diet rich in phytonutriemts can support both health and longevity.

Having taken 7+ as a diet supplement for more than 30 days, I found some distinct differences between the exotic botanicals in 7+ and ordinary fruit juice sold in the market:

• Powerful ingredients:

What does 7 Plus stand for:

It means there are seven of the most sought-after, nutriment-dense fruits extracted and fused in one bottle. None of them are ordinary fruits or vegetables you can find in the market. They are Gac, Acai, Goji, Noni, Brown seaweed extract, mangosteen skin and seabuckthorn found over different counties around the world from South Asia to Russia; from the Pacific ocean to the Amazon forest.

Plus: There are wild blueberry extracts, aloe vera extract, pomegranate fruit extract and Concord grape coulis. These four ingredients are renowned for their high antioxidant content and regenerative properties.

It is sugar cane free and artificial sweeteners free. Natural blue agave nectar gives it a sweet, delicious taste. It is artificial additives free as well. The natural preservative is extracted from vegetables.

It contains extremely high vitamins, even Vitamin H ad Vitamin K , minerals and many minor elements, as well as a remarkable concentration of antioxidants – phytonutrients or phytochemicals (called fight chemicals used in Japan.)

Phytochemcals are found in fruits and vegetables, protecting a plant’s tissues, fruits and seeds from invasion by microorganisms, including virus, bacteria and fungi. 7 + botanicals are the healthiest ingredients esteemed by ancient indigenous people from various cultures around the world, with most enriched with the phytochemicals analyzed by scientists and therefore selected to be in the 7+.

Gac: from the South Asia. Smooth skin and bright eyes have been attributed to this revered fruit and science now backs those beliefs.

Acai: From the Amazon rain forest. Containing remarkable anti-oxidants that help combat premature aging, promote a good cardiovascular system and digestive tract health.

Gogi: from the Himalayas. Local people have used it to maintain active, health lifestyles and longevity.

Noni: From the Polynesian inlands. People use it for its healing virtues.

Brown Seaweed Extract: Rooted in the waters of the South Pacific. Named as Fucoidan: meaning Killer of cancer and with remarkable immune-enriching properties.

Mangosteen meat and skin: Southeast Asia tropics known as the Queen of fruit. With amazing healing, anti-inflammation, restorative and medicinal properties.

Seabuckthorn: From Russia and China growing in mountains named as Life fruit. Resistance to cancer, improvement in blood system and anti-free radicals, as it contains high Vitamin C and beta carrot.

• “High absorption capacity and money for value

The extracts in Seven + actually get absorbed into the cells where they need to be because they are carried by nature’s delivery system.” ( Exfuze scientist). The products are also verified with CGMP standard by FDA - United States (U.S.): Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Compared with health food in forms of tables and capsule, its absorption power is over 90% and thus reduces the burden on our stomachs and internal organs like the kidney. Also, if one buys juices made with each single ingredient in the ‘7 plus’ separately, the cost will be much higher.

• We can do something to fight and prevent diseases

Although we cannot change the polluted environment much, we can respond positively to reduce the chance of contracting major diseases and developing health problems.

7+ provides most of the nutrients especially high concentration of phytochemcials we need to fight common diseases and therefore I think it is worth taking it routinely as a superior dietary supplement.

Some people may think it is a waste of money or it is too expensive. True, if only you could eat most food from organic producers, eat enough say 1 pound of various fruit and vegetable daily, breath fresh air and do enough exercises and sleep and manage your emotions well.

But we don’t usually.

Some people say they have taken medicine chronically and that is enough. But medicine is not sustainable and will not solve root problems and bear side effects. This dietary supplement may help reduce the dependence on medicines and improve immunity.

If we can reduce the chance to be defeated by diseases or we could put off the aging effect, we, without doubt, win more time, better quality of life and save more money.

Ref: Home from Success (USA national magazine) And www. exfuze.com


Monday, July 26, 2010

7+ testimonials and more vedio information

You can type "exfuze" and "seven+" to find so many vedios about 7+ or eXfuze.


You can see Dr. Gary Booth's testimonial from 3 minutes.

Dr. Gary Booth是美國楊百翰大學教授, 研究環境毒物學及癌症多年, 本身患有帶狀性泡疹, 喝過seven plus以後, 發現健康獲得改善, 所以在youtube上自己以親身經驗做見證, 目前被公司聘為科學顧問委員會成員之一.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Facts Speak Louder Than Words

NLP V.S. 7+


I wanted to share my gratitude to 7+ super supplement food again you with.

I just finished an intensive course about NLP (part one). During this course, as my health is in very bad shape recently due to the recurrence of serious flu, I had worried so much if I could completed the course or if I should postpone it.

I put myself on a serious test again (last time was when I was engaged in the WORLD EXPO ) by taking 7+ to go with the intensive 9 am to 9pm class for 5 days, in the hope that it could help me to cross the physical trouble water.

I did make it! I couldn't learn so much in the wonderful course without 7+ along with me. Every time when I was in excoriate headache or badly allergically cough or sneeze. I drank it bit by bit. I felt much better and I could focus on the lecture/discussion or drills again.

When the course came to the last day, my conditions were significantly changed to better. The course seemed to played an integrated power to me in conjunction with 7+ , all making me feel more positive and energetic, physically and physiologically. I felt not only relieved but fulfilled, more self-assured...



Monday, July 12, 2010

I feel my bones are getting younger


My body conditions in the last yoga class gave me another surprise.

I would not easily manage some poses like leg twisting, kneeling down or balancing with single leg because my joints and kneels feel pain or sound with Cracks if I bent them seriously.

However that day I followed instructions spontaneously without feeling any pain; my poses were flowing surprisingly smoothly. Then I realised I had forgotten the uncomfortable experience. This is a sign that my bones are getting stronger and joint infections are vanishing gradually.

7+ gives me much energy and a sense of youthfulness.

Plus, I don' need to eat snacks or cakes between meals or before sleep as I used to, probably because 7+ helps me to burn my inner fat. And this is a great experience for obesity problem and diabetes as those people usually like to keep eating because they feel hungry all the time and don't know their limited taking up.

This super food will activate our immunity system to fight abnormal cells and inflamation to some extent and burn body inner energy by consuming stored food in our body.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A letter from my colleagues










例如:馬來西亞正式揍大我的(契媽),中了風半身不能動,思想變成了小孩子.我見到她時很心痛,她拉著我的手,不肯給我離開,她說晚晚都發惡夢,很多人拉她的腳不肯放,她很驚的說.當時我媽媽同我一起去看我契媽的,我媽媽就說了,可能我契媽以前殺雞,切雞腳切得多,所以成日發那些夢.我搵我契哥拿了一支7+給我契媽飲,我回來香港一星期後致電我契哥,想問下我契媽現在如何? 點知我契哥說,契媽不肯飲,飲了一口就吐晒出來,死都不肯再飲. 這是緣份還是業障? 唉!

再生會 鍾博士 給了 6個未期癌症病人電話給我,叫我說服他們飲7+,上年8月到現在,我一個電話都沒有打出,因為我知道,緣份很重要,很多病人需要產品,但係說服他們需花多長的時間,這可不是我們的工作,我們需要幫到更多的人,我只要做好本份,將多些見證放上網.令大家飲到產品的好處.


Macky 8-7-2010










饮用7+ 高抗氧化功能辅助液近一个月,大约每日30-50毫升 x 2,空腹或饭前后两小时饮用,发现更多正面的反应。

1. 晚上睡觉鼻子通了很多,不需要用敏感药。早晚喷嚏已渐消失。

2. 近两次感冒扁桃腺发炎都是用了7+ 抑制下去,令我世博三天(每天10多小时)的带着感冒仍去接受强体力考验得以成功。

3. 最高兴当然是慢性尿道炎得已控制,小便次数减少,可以去旅行,晚间不用频频小便,由原来4-5次减到1-2次。

4. 开始有睡觉的幸福感了。

5. 体力比以前好多了。这两天我发现腿关节的咯咯声没有了,蹲下来很轻松,行山、跑步和跳绳都不会腿痛,游蛙式泳关节也不痛了。

6. 我平时润肤膏不能离身,每次洗脸必须擦,但这两天不知不觉没有用了,但仍有润润的 感觉。

这些现象好像很神奇,其实并不奇怪,7+ 含有人体所需的大部分营养成分(见资料),并抗炎,抗自由基和产生细胞修复作用。正如中医的原理,消炎、杀死坏细胞,同时固本还原,建立起自身的抵抗力,毛病就会受到控制,身体渐渐好起来或更强壮。当然也要多方面的配合,如睡眠,运动,饮食。保持健康的生活习惯


1. 饮大量清水,保持运动。

2. 不要开通宵工作或过劳,这样可以起到更好的辅助作用。

3. 7+ 只是辅助液,有病要看医生。

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Money v.s. Health and Wealth

Some new findings in my health


It has been one month since I came across with the ‘7+’ anti-oxidant functional food. A series of positive ‘symptoms’ has been emerged in my body gradually:

1. Nose allergy: disappeared in the morning and night

2. Flu this month and last month: cured

3. Long term throat sore: Under control

4. Long term Urine track infections: vanished. Number of urination reduced to ½ day time and 1-2 at night from 4-5 times

5. Sleep quality: better

6. Physical strength: better and more resilient

7. Headache: much better especially in the morning

8. Ear ringing: reduced to very low pitch from ear-piercing sound

9. I have more confidence in myself and more positive towards future.

New findings:

Just now I found for a number of days I haven’t used hand cream that couldn’t live without. I also don’t need facial cream but only toner because my skin becomes much more self moisturized but less oily than before. Judy, Marketing manager of EXFUZE HK has the similar responses. Surprising!

Another big improvement is the pains in my joint have lessened significantly and the sound of Cracks have disappeared when I squat and kneel. I can quickly bend down without feeling uncomfortably. I didn’t realize this until very recently. I hope this improvement can continue.

I received other people’s testimonials from eXfuze after my early positive reflections were written in my blog. There are so many positive and similar responses to 7+ from users in different ages, skins and origins. As a result, it is not coincident but reproducible.

That is why I trust 7+.

My heart beamed with gratitude to eXfuze…


TEl: 852-90306536
SKYPE: donnawinter2000
blog.sina.com.cn/healthhappinesswealthdw (NEW)

Friday, July 2, 2010

It is worth investing a bit in our own life - Updated testimonials from USA and Canada

Date: 2-7-2010

It is worth investing a bit in our own life, family and people we care for. People forget themselves sometimes while working so hard for money. But eventually they have to spend more no matter if they are rich or poor because of their damaged health. Most importantly, if anyone in a family has unfortunate diseases or health issue, it perturbs and worries others, honestly …

This is a lesson happening everyday in our life.

Please see the latest testimonials from USA and Canada. (http://www.exfuzenews.info/)

Laurie Eccles

"I was approached by 2 products at the same time. One was a juice drink and one was PROformance. I own Bel Boxing Club and it seems that at least once a month I am approached about “the best new product on the market.” I was involved with a multi level before, and I definitely understand there is money to be made if you do a little bit of work. I have extremely bad knees from too much activity and some injuries. The first product was promoted to me because of its anti-inflammatory strengths. I took the product (but probably not enough) for 3 weeks. I didn’t really feel anything. Christine Clark didn’t know about the first product but was getting a little insistent. I decided to start the PROformance and keep a journal of my workouts and what medication I would use, proving to her it didn’t work. I was considering calling my surgeon and asking for another injection for my joint pain.

It has been a year, March 17 2009 since my last surgery on my left knee and injection on my right. I teach fitness classes at my boxing club. At the beginning of the week, usually I needed to take over the counter anti inflammatory medication , but by Thursday night I would have to take prescription pain medication... I also couldn’t work out again until Monday night. I started taking the Seven on Saturday. I then doubled the dose for a week. The journal started great with a quiet Sunday with just an Advil. Monday, I ended up teaching 2 classes. Tuesday I did a cardio and core workout. Wednesday, I had to teach another workout, plus I took an hour session of yoga. Thursday I did an intense leg workout just to be sure. This is when I realized I haven’t needed to take any pain pills since Sunday. I was honestly shocked! The lack of pain is amazing but what is really the most exciting thing is “I can finally wear heels again!” I haven’t been able to wear heels in over a year without having an extremely painful time. Now that’s what I’m most excited about."


Louise ZoBell

"My name is Louise ZoBell and I live in Alberta Canada. For many months I have been having trouble with my right shoulder. I couldn't raise my arm above my head without lifting it with the other arm and experiencing great discomfort.

The pain would keep me awake at night. I tried many different options to try get some relief. These include chiropractic, massage, supplementation, magnetics and many more. In December I was giving a bottle of Seven + Proformance because I was looking at Exfuze as a business possibility. It didn't even occur to me that this may help the chronic problem with my shoulder. Much to my surprise and relief, within three days of taking the product, I was alble to raise my arm above my head again and sleep through the night without the pain keeping me awake. I have also had dramatic results using the products when experiencing headaches from stress and tension. Just last night I left a group setting with just such a headache. Instead of going to my medicine cabinet I went to my fridge and poured some of my favorite drink--Seven + Proformance. Within a few minutes a was welcoming guests to my home without the previous discomfort."


Carol and Tom Bruner

"My husband and l live in Southwestern On. We are very active Seniors.We recently tried The new Exfuze product, we are very fussy about our health,and we found it helps us to sleep so much better.. lt also helps with stress, and gives so much energy. Just an over all feeling of youthfullness.

ln Health, Carol and Tom Bruner."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My progress review - the efficacy of 7+ in my health reflection:


I have taken it for about 3 weeks with 30ml (50 ml sometimes) x2 per day. The most evident change is number of urination per day and night reduced significantly – from 4-5 times per night to 1-2. And day times of urination reduced to ½.

The pain during urine and waist pain have disappeared.

My Tinnitus – internal ear noise (耳鸣) and the consequent headache has been reduced considerably. I am so relieved that the sound has been lowered to high pitch to very weak.

The visit of Expo is a severe test to my physical strength. I never realized I could be such a resilient and tough person physically. The 7+ has done brilliant job to my flu during the five days-trip. My joint/muscle problems recovered rapidly in the trip despite my heavy physical exercise (standing, queuing, walking continually for several days and more than 10 hours per day in Shanghai) and a lack of rest. I could manage to visit many pavilions and exhibitions and stay 13 hours per day in the Expo areas. 7+ is kind of energizer to me in the critical, tough time.

I never have tried such a single functional food that could bring about me such a rapid curing effect to my long-lasting problems. I found it contains super high anti-oxidants fighting chemicals all from botanical sources grown and produced in organic environment without any artificial additives. It functions as killers to free radical and abnormal cells as well as cells repairers.

Addition to that, the extract advanced technology process also plays a key to improve product absorption power to maximum (over 90%) compared with other supplement products.

However, supplements only work as supplements in conjunction with medicine and treatment to cure our diseases. We cannot purely rely on them. To see doctors if not feeling well is very essential.

I always remind myself that it is not possible to improve our health without a good living habit: enough sleep, keeping fit and good management on our own inner pressure and emotional. Scientists have proved that 90% of diseases are out of stress, depression and emotional problems.

For enquiry, please contact me at


Tel: 852-90306536

Website: www.exfuze.com/Donnaw


Donna Wong



服用了7+ 高抗氧化多功能辅助液超过三星期左右,我最明显的效果是长期夜尿自四-五次减少到一到两次;尿道赤痛和腰痛消失;耳鸣和偏头痛大大减轻;内耳“蝉叫”声已变成微弱的沙沙声。






For enquiry, please contact me at


Tel: 852-90306536

Website: www.exfuze.com/Donnaw


Donna Wong