Monday, July 12, 2010

I feel my bones are getting younger


My body conditions in the last yoga class gave me another surprise.

I would not easily manage some poses like leg twisting, kneeling down or balancing with single leg because my joints and kneels feel pain or sound with Cracks if I bent them seriously.

However that day I followed instructions spontaneously without feeling any pain; my poses were flowing surprisingly smoothly. Then I realised I had forgotten the uncomfortable experience. This is a sign that my bones are getting stronger and joint infections are vanishing gradually.

7+ gives me much energy and a sense of youthfulness.

Plus, I don' need to eat snacks or cakes between meals or before sleep as I used to, probably because 7+ helps me to burn my inner fat. And this is a great experience for obesity problem and diabetes as those people usually like to keep eating because they feel hungry all the time and don't know their limited taking up.

This super food will activate our immunity system to fight abnormal cells and inflamation to some extent and burn body inner energy by consuming stored food in our body.

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